Fire4u was the first website in the UK to focus on selling Ziton products only. We ruffled a few feathers back in the day with our low prices and many Ziton agents protested that we should be banned from doing so!
It is not surprising as these companies were ripping customers off for years with huge mark-ups on the products and they had been rumbled.
fast forward over fifteen years and it has been a momentous decision to pivot and focus on the Ziton ZP3 training and selling the software only.
Why the Ziton ZP3 training has switched to online only
Over the years I have travelled across the UK and Ireland training thousands of engineers of hundreds of companies.
I have been as far north as Loch Ness, and travelled over to Dublin (whilst i was there I also enjoyed a Guinness or two!)
When Covid hit everything changed. I reluctantly switched to training online and was surprised that it was not just as effective as in-person training, but in many ways, even better.
I have cameras trained in on the panel as i walk engineers through the ZP3 panel's menu system and share my screen while going through the Planner software.
Online training has opened up the doors to international clients with participants joining me from as far as the Seychelles.
Participants do not have to be crowded into one room and can attend from the comfort of an office or their own homes.
Onwards and Upwards
I hope that you like the new look of Fire4u and I look forward to working with you. If you want to book a training simply click on the link and select which training date you would like